Full Stack Development Training to Empower Innovators
At Wingslide Institute, our Full Stack Development program is designed to equip aspiring developers with the comprehensive skill set needed to thrive in today’s dynamic tech landscape. Our intensive curriculum covers the entire spectrum of web development, from front-end to back-end, ensuring that our students graduate with the proficiency and confidence to tackle any project.
Skills you will learn
- Build 16 web development projects for your portfolio, ready to apply for junior developer jobs.
- Learn the latest technologies, including JavaScript, React, Node and even Web3 development.
- After the course you will be able to build ANY website you want.
- Build fully-fledged websites and web apps for your startup or business.
- Work as a freelance web developer.
- Master frontend development with React
- Master backend development with Node
- Learn professional developer best practices.
Ready to take your first step towards a rewarding career in digital marketing?
Contact WingSlide Technologies today to learn more about our programs and discuss how we can help you achieve your goals!
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Full Stack Developer Curriculum
- Text formatting Tags
- HTML Structures – List, Tables
- HTML Forms
- Fieldset and Legend Tag
- HTML5 elements
- Audio,Video tags
- Types of CSS
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Properties
- CSS Advanced Properties
- CSS3 Properties
- Transition Properties
- Keyframe Animation
- Responsive Layout
- Media Queries
- Variables and Datatypes
- Operators
- Control Structure
- Functions
- Anonymous Function
- Arrow Function
- JavaScript Objects
- Window – Screen,Location,History
- Document object
- DOM Property Manipulation
- Layout and Content
- Bootstrap components
- Bootstrap utilities
- Bootstrap icons
- Forms
- Utilities
- Form Grid
- Gutters
- Horizontal Form
- Horizontal Form Label Sizing
- Column Sizing
- Auto-Sizing
- Inline Forms
- Basics of Typescript & Angular/React
- Data Binding
- Pipes & Custom Pipes
- Component Communication
- Services
- RxJS
- Backend API Call using HttpService
- Integrating APIs with Angular frontend App
- Advanced Routing
- Forms – Template Driven Forms
- Forms – Reactive Forms, Custom Validators
- Angular/React Modules
- Integration with Angular Material
- Building and Deploying Angular Application
- Understanding database types: Relational and Non-Relational
- Designing data models: Entity-Relationship diagrams, tables, collections, and schema design
- Creating and managing CRUD operations
- Querying data: Filtering, ordering, grouping, and using aggregate functions
- Managing data relationships: One-to-One, One-to-Many, and Many-to-Many
- Writing stored procedures and functions
- Automating actions with triggers
- Ensuring data integrity with transactions
- Optimizing performance using indexing
- Implementing security measures: Authentication, role-based access control, and encryption
- Setting up backups and recovery plans
- Computer Programming
- Algorithms
- Flowcharts
- Conditional Statement
- Iterative Statement
- Variables, Operators and Datatypes
- Conditional Statement
- Looping Controls
- More on Data types
- Function and Modules
- File Handling and File Operations
- Object oriented programing with Python
- Error Solving in Python
- Variables, Data Types
- Operators & Tokens
- Control Structures & Looping
- Arrays
- Object oriented programing with Java
- Strings
- Exception Handling
- File Handling & IO
- Wrapper Classes
- Object Serialization
- Collection Framework & Lambda Expressions
- Filtering Collections
- Multi-Threading & Thread Life Cycle
- Java New Features
- JavaTime API
- Java Http Client API
- Django Architecture
- Django Request – Response Life Cycle
- Django Project Structure
- Django View
- Django Template
- Django Template Language
- Static Website Configuration in Django
- Linking Bootstrap & JavaScript
- Linking Javascript
- Django Model
- Django Admin
- Django Form
- Django Authentication and
- Authorization
- Session Management
- Sping Core Concepts
- Sping MVC and Spring Boot
- Creating & Running Spring Application
- Creating REST APIs
- Validating the Request
- Database Integration & JPA Repository
- Using Data REST, Pagination & Sorting
- Relationships & Projections
- Security
- Security – Registration & Login Flow
- File Upload & Download
- Create Frontend to Consume APIs
- Project Life Cycle
- Use case creation
- ER Diagrams
- Activity Diagram
- Agile way of thinking
- Agile Manifesto and Principles
- Various popular agile approaches
- Scrum Framework
- The Sprint, User Stories, Epics, Tasks, Story Points, Backlogs
- Scrum Roles
- Sprint planning
- Daily Scrum
- Sprint review
- Sprint retrospective
- What is JIRA?
- Creating project in JIRA
- Creating User Stories & Sprints in JIRA
- Filtering in JIRA
- Kanban Board
- Types of Testing
- Error, bug, defect and failure
- Functional vs Non-fuctional testing
- Test Cases Template
- Bug tracking tool
- The JUnit framework
- How to define a test in JUnit?
- JUnit naming conventions
- Run your test from the command line
- PyTest Library
- Basic pytest installation
- Assertions
- Run your test Cases
- Cloud Concepts
- Cloud Economics
- AWS Global Infrastructure Overview
- AWS Core Services – Compute, Storage, VPC, Database, Balancing, Scaling, Monitoring
- Cloud Security
- Cloud Architecting
- Cloud Support
Front End Development Curriculum
- Structure: Lists, Tables, Forms, Fieldset, and Legend
- Styling: CSS Selectors, Properties, Responsive Layout, Media Queries
- Layout and Styling: Bootstrap Grid System, Responsive Design Utilities
- Components: Buttons, Modals, Alerts, Navbars, Carousels, and Forms
- Customizing: Using Bootstrap Icons, Cards, and Utility Classes for Fast Prototyping
- Variables, Datatypes, Control Structures, Operators
- Functions, Anonymous Functions, Arrow Functions
- DOM Manipulation for interactivity
- Events, Handling User Input
- Keyframe Animations with CSS3
- Transitions, Responsive Design, Flexbox, and Grid
- Core Fundamentals:
- React: JSX, Component Creation, State and Props, Functional and Class Components
- Angular: TypeScript Basics, Components, Data Binding, Directives, and Services
- Data Management:
- React State and Context API, Angular Services, and RxJS
- Component Communication:
- Passing Data between Components (Props in React, Inputs/Outputs in Angular)
- Advanced Forms:
- React: Form Handling with Controlled Components
- Angular: Template-Driven and Reactive Forms
- API Integration:
- Fetching Data from APIs and Displaying in Components
Back End Development Curriculum
- Basics of Node.js: Event-Driven Architecture, Core Modules (HTTP, File System, Events)
- Setting up a Server and Handling Requests/Responses
- Express.js: Setup, Routing, Middleware, Serving Static Files, CRUD Operations
- Database Fundamentals: MongoDB, SQL, Installing Databases, Basic CRUD Operations
- Choosing NoSQL vs. SQL Databases
- Advanced Express.js: Routing, Query Parameters, Controllers, Services, Models
- Error Handling and Validation with Middleware
- Authentication & Authorization: JWT, Session-Based, Cookie Management, RBAC
- Implementing Login, Logout, Password Security
- Database Integration: Mongoose for MongoDB, Sequelize for SQL, Data Validation, Schema Design, Optimization with Indexing
- API Documentation: Swagger/OpenAPI, Endpoint Testing (Postman, Jest, Mocha), Unit and Integration Tests, Mocking Database Calls
- Middleware Security: Helmet, CORS, Rate Limiting, Error Tracking
- Performance Optimization: Compression, Caching
- Real-Time Communication: WebSockets (Socket.IO), Chat, Notifications, Broadcasting Events
- Background Job Processing: Node-cron, Bull, Redis, Scheduled Tasks
- Email Integration: Nodemailer, SendGrid, Templating Emails (EJS, Handlebars)
- File Management: Multer, AWS S3, Cloudinary
- Logging and Monitoring: Winston/Morgan, Application Health (PM2), System Monitoring (Prometheus, Grafana), Performance Metrics, Alerts
- Application Security: Encryption with bcrypt, crypto, Protecting APIs with CORS, Rate Limiting, HTTPS
- Environment Management: .env Files, Secure Authentication Practices
- Deployment on Cloud Platforms: AWS, Heroku, DigitalOcean, Render
- CI/CD Pipelines: GitHub Actions, Jenkins, GitLab CI
- Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes
- Production Readiness: Error Handling, Load Balancing, Response Time Optimization
- Horizontal Scaling, Backup, Disaster Recovery, Log and Metric Monitoring
- Database Types: SQL (Relational) and NoSQL (Non-Relational) Databases
- Data Models: ER Diagrams, Tables, Collections, Documents, Schema Design Principles
- Installation and Setup: Local and Cloud Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
Introduction to Databases
- Core Database Concepts: Relational and Non-Relational Systems
- Data Structures: Tables, Rows, Columns vs. Collections, Documents, Fields
Introduction to Databases
- Core Database Concepts: Relational and Non-Relational Systems
- Data Structures: Tables, Rows, Columns vs. Collections, Documents, Fields
Schema Design
- Structured vs. Flexible Approaches
CRUD Operations
- Creating and Inserting Data
- Retrieving and Filtering Data
- Updating Existing Records
- Deleting Data
Querying and Filtering
- Filtering Data with Conditional Expressions
- Organizing and Sorting Results
- Grouping Data for Summary and Analysis
Aggregation and Data Transformation
- Aggregating Data: Summarization, Counting, and Calculations
- Grouping Data for Insights
- Applying Transformations to Data Sets
Indexing and Performance Optimization
- Creating Indexes for Efficient Data Retrieval
- Optimizing Query Performance with Index Strategies
- Using Compound and Text Indexes
Advanced Database Features
- Designing Relationships Between Data Entities
- Approaches for One-to-Many and Many-to-Many Relationships
- Reusable Code Structures: Functions and Procedures
- Automating Actions with Triggers
- Managing Data Integrity and Consistency with Transactions